Many people who come to therapy present with racing or intrusive thoughts and/or limiting beliefs that they just can’t seem to shift or let go of no matter how hard they try. It is common for thoughts and beliefs to swirl around in our mind and for us to get hooked by them believing them to be true. We find ourselves stuck in a loop, trying to make sense out of something that may not even be rational.
The reason this happens is because our brain’s job is to problem solve and make sense of things. This is a human response to both internal and external stressors which at times serves us quite well, however if we don’t know how or when to release our brain from this task it can lead to debilitating bouts of anxiety and depression. Using our energy centers, aka Chakras is one very effective way to process and release unhelpful thoughts and limiting beliefs. It gives us something to “do” which makes our brain happy and it allows us to free up space for the things that really matter and require our attention. For those of you who are new to using your energy body, humans have seven major Chakras (wheels of energy) that correspond with nerve bundles in our physical body. They are located along our spine in our energy bodies which extends out from our physical bodies 3-6 feet. Our Chakras transverse our physical body and each one vibrates at a certain frequency and has a particular job. This process of running thoughts/beliefs through these centers can take anywhere from a few minutes (especially once you are practiced in it) to several minutes (especially if it is a very sticky thought/belief that carries big emotional charges). To begin, find a quiet place where you can sit and close your eyes for a few minutes at minimum. Take 3 deep breaths inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Once settled into your body bring your attention to the top of your head where your crown chakra is located. Your crown chakra, sits on the top of your head like a crown and is related to the pineal gland. It vibrates white and is connected to the pineal gland and Carotid Plexus. This is where we connect to the Universe and develop an understanding that we are more than just a body. Stay here for just a few breaths and remind yourself that you are supported by the Universe. From here drop into your Third Eye which is located at your forehead between your two eyes and is related to the pituitary gland. It vibrates purple and is connected to the pineal/pituitary gland and Carotid Plexus. Our Third Eye is where we attempt to make sense out of our thoughts and beliefs. It is also where we may intuit extrasensory information. Often times our thoughts and beliefs get stuck here, where we ruminate and become fused with them assuming that they have to be the truth. Bring the thought/belief forward and ask yourself whether this thought/belief is helpful and/or is in service of your highest good. Does it align with your values? What benefit does the thought/belief serve? Most importantly, is it helpful? Next, drop that thought/belief into your Throat Chakra which is located in the throat/neck, ears and upper shoulders and related to the thyroid gland and Pharyngeal Plexus. It vibrates blue and is our center for giving and receiving communication. From here give the thought/belief a strong voice. Say it out loud several times, really listen to your voice as you say it. Ask yourself if the thought or belief has a message for you. Next, drop it into your Heart Chakra which is located in the middle of your chest and extends through your arms and hands. It vibrates green and is connected to our heart/thymus and Cardiac Plexus. While in your Heart Chakra, surround the thought/belief with unconditional love and compassion. If you are having trouble with this, first bring to mind someone or something that you love unconditionally (a pet, child, significant other, friend, etc), feel into your compassion for them and then shift that feeling toward the thought/belief. Try thanking the thought/belief. Notice what comes up for you. Is this difficult? Do additional thoughts/beliefs arise? Next, drop it into your Solar Plexus. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in your core just below your rib cage and above your naval. It vibrates yellow and is connected to the pancreas. This is your power center and the place from which we make decisions and take action. Ask yourself, whether there is anything you need to do with this thought/belief? Is there an effective action that needs to be taken? Try not to “think” about this but rather allow the answer to arise from your gut. There may be nothing to do, or perhaps there is an action that would be in your best interest but you weren’t able to access it before. Now drop it into your Sacral Chakra. Your Sacral Chakra is located in your pelvic area right below your belly button and extends into the hips. It vibrates orange and is connected to sex organs/adrenals and the Lumbar Plexus. This is where our creativity, playfulness and emotions live. While here identify any emotions that are connected with this thought/belief. Tune into where in your body you feel the emotion, notice the size, color, shape, texture and temperature of it. Get as close to it as you can, expanding around it and intensifying it to the extent it feels safe. Notice what comes up and stay with it. Allow it to run its course which should take about 90 seconds or less. When you are ready to release the thought/belief and emotion drop it all into your Root Chakra. The Root Chakra is located at the tailbone and extends down through the legs and feet. It vibrates red and is connected to the adrenals and Lumbar and Coccygeal Plexus. The Root Chakra is where we ground to the earth and develop a sense of safety. From this place of safety and being grounded, shrink the thought/belief/emotion into the size of a small rock and prepare to release it into the earth where it will be absorbed and repurposed. When you are ready, take a deep breath in through your nose and with the intention of releasing the small rock back to the earth exhale forcefully and drop it into the ground. Imagine it being pulled by the earth’s energy through all of the layers to the center of the planet where it disintegrates and is absorbed. Do this at least two more times and as many times as you need. When you are finished with the process, take a few minutes to reflect on your experience through journaling. Take note of what showed up for you and if there is any effective action that you still need to take in order to fully release. Notice any energetic releases such as yawns, hiccups, gas, tears, laughter or sweating. Here is a video walking you through the process. Let me know in the comments if this has been helpful and what your experience in using the Chakras to process your thoughts and feelings was like for you!
AuthorJodi K. Silverman is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Reiki Master whose mission is to support and guide human beings in their journey for meaning, purpose and connection. Archives
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